My ZTE Open C: a Firefox OS phone
I just bought a 70€ smart phone that runs Firefox OS: the ZTE Open C that has just been release in France. The first impression is rather good, even though it feels slower than my Nexus 4.

Comparison of GPS tracking
I do a lot of GPS tracking with my phone, so, one of the first thing I tried is to record a track. I carried both phones (ZTE Open C and Nexus 4), each in one of my pockets and went back and forth to the grocery store. My pockets are totally symmetric (one on the left, one on the right) and the trip also.
I installed the "run record" app and started it. The good news is that it works well, in the background, and even with the screen turned off. The export is not perfect thought (sending a mail with the gpx as body and not as attachment). On my Nexus 4, I use "OSMTracker".
Your can see in the image the two tracks: in green the one from the Nexus 4, in yellow the one from the ZTE Open C. I followed the street on the side of the road that is on the left on the map (the same side both ways).
Overall, from this quick experiment, it seems that:
- both phones have problems with urban canyons (narrow street with buildings),
- the ZTE Open C is more precise than the Nexus 4,
- (the Nexus 4 records more points, but this is just a setting in the apps).
Any feedback or remarks? Contact me at click-me ;-p