Teaching Corner

I'am progressively publishing here some stuffs about teaching, usually in the form of short posts. Here is a list of articles already published or expected to come in the future:

gh[2021-04-21]  Bayesian Neural Networks, Uncertainty Quantification − DeepImaging School 2021
gh[2017-04-22]  Deep Learning pour la Reconnaissance de Chatons − MIXIT 2017
gh[2016-09-01]  Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2016
gh[2016-05-25]  Learn to Learn: Facts About Learning − Web En Vert
Software carpentry workshop debriefing for the CERN Webfest in late july 2015.
Software carpentry workshop debriefing at LHCb (CERN) from early june 2015.
Using paper clickers: simpler and better clickers for student voting.
Live Multiple Choice Questions to assess student understanding and fine tune your lesson.
(EN) Probability to cut a Galette without touching the bean/fève (also en français).
(FR) Probabilité de couper la Galette sans toucher la fève.
The two faces of markdown: a compact HTML and an authoring tool.
Writing practical work instructions: using pandoc and gpp (generic pre-processor) to supercharge your markdown and forget about Latex.
A simple, pedagogical , multi-lingual drawing library to learn imperative programming with Python (before a post is available, you can directly visit https://gitlab.univ-st-etienne.fr/remi.emonet/pyqtido).

Anything you want in priority? Propositions of subjects for next articles? Just post me a mail at click-me ;-p @nospam.com.