Who am I?

See also my longer CV


I'm an Associate Professor in Saint Étienne, France, doing research around machine learning and other subjects, in Hubert Curien Laboratory, also being member of Inria team MALICE. I previously held a postdoctoral position for a few years at the Idiap Research Institute (EPFL) in Martigny in Switzerland. I have a Ph.D. in software architectures for intelligent environments (pervasive computing) that I did in the PRIMA group in INRIA Grenoble (now Centre Inria de l'Université Grenoble Alpes). I value multi-disciplinarity and have interests in various fields including machine learning, software architecture, computer vision, neuro-sciences and artificial intelligence.


Apart from research, I heartily enjoy teaching. I had a teaching assistant position at Ensimag during 4 years and had the occasion to teach in English at EPFL. I could luckily get back on teaching with my position at Jean Monnet University. I also have been involved in the Software Carpentry project which teaches computing skills to scientists and experiments with distributed open authoring of lessons.

Software hacker/crafter

I graduated from the Ensimag french engineering school. I have always tried to learn and discover new things and tried to stay up-to-date with new technologies. Some applications I designed are in daily use by companies. Also, I daily use some of my own software and frameworks :) (e.g., deck.js... actually now sli.dev). I am particularly interested in user interfaces, programming language engineering, API design, software architectures and methodologies for improved team work. My Ph.D. subject was also on new software architectures and software processes for pervasive computing.


When I'm not around a computer, I used to practice sports like hiking, climbing, skiing, swimming, running, aïkido, volley ball... but now I'm mostly trail running/walking. To remain strong I also like eating ;-). Here are some recipes .