Rémi Emonet
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Research Home Page
Selected/recent publications
For now, see my
HAL profile
Google Scholar profile
for a list of publications.
Presentations (research and related)
Here are presentations that I made publicly enough so that it makes sense to share them. (click the icon on the left to see the sources and a PDF export)
Evolution of Generative Models: Diving into Conditional Flow Matching (IRISA)
A Visual Dive into Conditional Flow Matching (blogpost)
Unsupervised Decomposition of Images into Motifs (GDR Appamat)
Deep Equilibrium Models and Implicit Layers (LabHC)
Optimal Transport Based RNN Distillation (ANR TAUDoS)
Learning from Imbalanced Data and Anomaly Detection (EUR Sleight SSE6)
Bayesian Neural Networks - Uncertainty Quantification (Deep Imaging Summer School)
Défi IA − Anomaly Detection: class imbalance or novelty
Behavior of Distance-Based Methods (LACODAM Team)
Dealing with Imbalanced Data, and, Interpretability via Adversarial Regularization (NAVER Labs)
A Tour of Machine Learning and its Subdomains (LabHC)
Domain Adaptation and Multi-view Learning: using subspace alignment and landmark projections
Deep Learning pour la Reconnaissance de Chatons
Version control with Git at CIRAD − 2017
Likelihood-based and Likelihood-free Unsupervised Learning
A Tour of Probabilistic and Deep Approaches for Unsupervised Learning − Optim. and ML Day
Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2016
Learn to Learn: Facts About Learning − Web En Vert
About Sparsity and Sparsity in Probabilistic Modeling
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Deep CNNs − Xerox Research Center Europe
Deep Learning Frameworks − Saintélyon Deep Learning Workshop
Machine Learning Introduction − Web En Vert
Dirichlet Processes for GMM − Image&Tracking group
Fisher Kernel and Fisher Vectors − ANR SoLSTiCe project
Probabilistic Views of Classical Problems − About probabilities and prior
Temporal Topic Models for Probabilistic Motif Mining − SMiLe2014
Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2014
Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2013
Research software and related projects
For now, see also
my research software list on github