Research Home Page

Selected/recent publications

For now, see my HAL profile or Google Scholar profile for a list of publications.

Presentations (research and related)

Here are presentations that I made publicly enough so that it makes sense to share them. (click the icon on the left to see the sources and a PDF export)
[2025-02-27] Evolution of Generative Models: Diving into Conditional Flow Matching (IRISA) [2025-01-01] A Visual Dive into Conditional Flow Matching (blogpost) [2022-06-16] Unsupervised Decomposition of Images into Motifs (GDR Appamat) [2021-11-18] Deep Equilibrium Models and Implicit Layers (LabHC) [2021-11-16] Optimal Transport Based RNN Distillation (ANR TAUDoS) [2021-07-06] Learning from Imbalanced Data and Anomaly Detection (EUR Sleight SSE6) [2021-04-21] Bayesian Neural Networks - Uncertainty Quantification (Deep Imaging Summer School) [2020-01-23] Défi IA − Anomaly Detection: class imbalance or novelty [2019-06-27] Behavior of Distance-Based Methods (LACODAM Team) [2019-06-13] Dealing with Imbalanced Data, and, Interpretability via Adversarial Regularization (NAVER Labs) [2018-06-07] A Tour of Machine Learning and its Subdomains (LabHC) [2018-06-06] Domain Adaptation and Multi-view Learning: using subspace alignment and landmark projections [2017-04-22] Deep Learning pour la Reconnaissance de Chatons [2017-01-20] Version control with Git at CIRAD − 2017 [2017-01-04] Likelihood-based and Likelihood-free Unsupervised Learning [2016-12-13] A Tour of Probabilistic and Deep Approaches for Unsupervised Learning − Optim. and ML Day [2016-09-01] Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2016 [2016-05-25] Learn to Learn: Facts About Learning − Web En Vert [2016-02-11] About Sparsity and Sparsity in Probabilistic Modeling [2015-11-27] Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Deep CNNs − Xerox Research Center Europe [2015-11-26] Deep Learning Frameworks − Saintélyon Deep Learning Workshop [2015-09-30] Machine Learning Introduction − Web En Vert [2015-04-30] Dirichlet Processes for GMM − Image&Tracking group [2014-06-20] Fisher Kernel and Fisher Vectors − ANR SoLSTiCe project [2014-05-15] Probabilistic Views of Classical Problems − About probabilities and prior [2014-03-10] Temporal Topic Models for Probabilistic Motif Mining − SMiLe2014 [2014-10-23] Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2014 [2013-10-03] Introduction to Version Control using Git and Gitlab − 2013

Research software and related projects

For now, see also my research software list on github .