Teaching Corner

I'am progressively publishing here some stuffs about teaching, usually in the form of short posts. If you need access to my course supports, feel free to ask me by mail. Here is a list of presentations and posts already published or expected to come in the future:

[2021-04-21] Bayesian Neural Networks, Uncertainty QuantificationDeepImaging School 2021 [2017-04-22] Deep Learning pour la Reconnaissance de ChatonsMIXIT 2017 [2016-09-01] Introduction to Version Control using Git and GitlabLabHC [2016-05-25] Learn to Learn: Facts About LearningWeb En Vert Software carpentry workshop debriefing for the CERN Webfest in late july 2015. Software carpentry workshop debriefing at LHCb (CERN) from early june 2015. Using paper clickers: simpler and better clickers for student voting. Live Multiple Choice Questions to assess student understanding and fine tune your lesson. (EN) Probability to cut a Galette without touching the bean/fève (also en français). (FR) Probabilité de couper la Galette sans toucher la fève. The two faces of markdown: a compact HTML and an authoring tool. Writing practical work instructions: using pandoc and gpp (generic pre-processor) to supercharge your markdown and forget about Latex. A simple, pedagogical, multi-lingual drawing library to learn imperative programming with Python (before a post is available, you can directly visit https://gitlab.univ-st-etienne.fr/remi.emonet/pyqtido).

Anything you want in priority? Propositions of subjects for next articles? Just post me a mail at click-me ;-p @nospam.com .